I don’t judge them anymore. I judge their ideals. As people I’ve decided not to care. They did despicable things, like George Washington who signed a fugitive slave law in 1793 and then put out a bounty on his escaped slave (technically his wife’s I believe). She has escaped to New Hampshire and married a free black American. She escaped capture and continued to live with her husband. The only reasons the bounty hunters stopped hunting her was because George Washington died, nit because he had a moral change of heart. Their ideas were made by others, and were used as inspiration to get all rebels on the same page, looking upwards. But because the roads were paved, they all trampled through the mud when it rained. The ideal of inalienable rights, so-called natural rights or secular rights, contain the fundamental principles of equality, liberty and justice for all that are the basis for democracy, for any real democracy to occur. These ideals must be studied. Does it matter where or who they came from? Not in the least.