Holy hot smoke, you used the effe word and mixed up the s84t. I believe you are angry. Also correct. It made me think that if the people who traditionally hunger for freedom and democracy the most, Black Americans, because they experience the greatest repression, don’t vote and stay home, then that’s when we get the least democracy and we all lose. Barry O. Upon reflection did pass ObamaCare to help The People while DT passed one bill that he was signature, which took money away from The People and gave it to The Corporate. The contrast couldn’t be sharper.
Also, we are in unique situation right now with an active VP running. She cannot as VP be insubordinate and state a different policy other than the official policy of the Biden administration. And she won’t, because she follows the law. That means she is not going to depart from the policy Biden has toward Gaza and helping Israel. She can’t say or do anything about it since she is not yet president. If she is elected, she then can change policy as head of government. It is maddening to see that many people critical of her stance on the Israeli War Against Gaza don’t understand this fact of her silence. Many Muslim Americans wrongly assume she has a different policy when in fact as VP she cannot speak out by law. Neither could Pence, until the last moment when it mattered the most. Thus, not voting for her is to get a worse policy under Trump, making the situation only worse.