Great comparison!
Whoopi: how are the Jews a different race?
Management: that’s it! you’re suspended, and never mention race again!
Joe Rogan: “I went to this black neighborhood and saw it full of apes.” Then says: “N*#*+*#” (n word 24 times)
Mr. Ek, CEO of Spotify: Well, sure, those things are in the past, and Joe apologized, and didn’t quit understand what the word meant or the graphic description of blacks as animals as he was raised in a far simpler time, and he said those things across a lot of episodes, that when all smushed together sounds bad, but isn’t “racial.” I took those offensive episodes down even though they contained free speech. We’re not a media company though, so I don’t like interfering in free speech with podcasters just asking questions. It’s not fair to him. But just to make up for it I’ll donate $100 million dollars to Bob Jones University to give whites there better sensitivity training. OK? Controversy over with?