Bren Kelly
2 min readAug 3, 2023


Governor Tilden though was a racist, siding with the Southern Democrats, which is why he was probably forgotten, because the Southern and Northern Democrats were not far apart on their anti-black viewpoints. It was Democrat Irish immigrants, looking to get a leg up by bringing black Americans down, who instigated the 1834 and 1863 white racial massacres in New York City, burning down an orphanage, hanging black Americans on poles, chopping them, burning down black American businesses, and driving them out of town. They reduced the population from 60 odd thousand to 20 odd thousand black Americans in NYC. A horrible track record, inflamed by Democratic Rag sheets akin to Fox News that fanned the racial Democratic Party hatred of the “immigrants” against the black and white Republicans.
The Republicans in the North throughly had the upper hand, since the represented the original intent of America, that is the natural inalienable rights ideas. The Democrats, sore losers from the 1960 election, actually started the Civil War. The Secretary of Defense from the previous Democratic administration became the President of the Confederate States on Secession after all. The Democratic Southern quit the party in vile outrage in 1964 before the election, and fled to the emptied out civil rights Southern Republican Party that had no power and no candidates. They became the MAGA-istas of today.
Here’s with the most powerful Democratic Senator on April 11, 1964 said, who is head of the powerful arm service committee: “be assured that I shall fight the vicious civil rights bill to the bitter end. With best wishes, I am sincerely, Dick Russell.” Democrat Richard Russell. His message to President LBJ doesn’t sound so supportive of civil rights, does it? Because it’s against that bill, like all his fellow Democrats from that 15 state region— except Texan LBJ. They opposed the previous Civl Right’s Bills of 1957 and 1960 passed by President Eisenhower of the weakened civil rights Republican Party of Lincoln.

All I’m saying is don’t be fooled by labels. I’ve been for a long time. Read Republican Senator Charles Sumner’s address in 1860 lambasting the slaver Democrats to see how vile and contemptuous he was of them to get a flavor of the deep hatred this pro-abolitionist had toward the Southern Democrats in particular and ends by supporting Lincoln and the “Jack Smith” speech he gives on the floor of the Senate prosecuting the case of Insurrection over hours in details against the Democrats for breaking all the acts of Congress (falsely called ‘compromises’) that got his head beat in with a cane from an opposing South Carolina senator (“The Crime Against Kansas” on Amazon).



Bren Kelly
Bren Kelly

Written by Bren Kelly

Engaged in Inequalities, dismantling Western Consciousness, confronting American narratives, seeking inherent injustices to address.

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