First, I just want to congratulate you on your growing membership after launching Liberation Works. Your deeply truth seeking voice is needed perhaps more than you now and I’m glad to see you develop this. I starting from Democracy Now creator Amy Goodman back on the radio when on the road during the planned Iraqi invasion and the start of Shock and Awe back in 2002 and 2003 and felt educated afterwards since a large section of unbiased “peace reporting” was absent in the media. She’s grown ever since and has maintained an even and fair voice.
Secondly, the answer to the sub-headline question is Yes. These people are nuts. But the Zionist, a smaller subset of Jewish people with cause to conquer and colonize and not rationalize and dignify have always been that way. They were set up with that goal and stuck to it ever since 1897 when their goals were first articulated. We in America have another group of “Christian Intifada Zionist” nut jobs or extremists. They are known as Christian Nationalists, or Evangelicals or Trump Christians. They care about their cause, not about Trump. Their is cause is White Supremacy. If Trump is willing to bow to their cause, which he is and constantly indicates he is behind, then they will use him and he will use them in a “devil deal.” The Zionists are the same way, and Trump again is glad to make a pact with them, especially since they have linked themselves powerfully to the Military industrial complex, who are sort of neutral and have been glad to bomb the heck out of people as long as the selling and contracts from the Pentagon keep on rolling in.
Trump is not an ideologue as he appears. He has no moral compass and is fanatically bent on gaining power. His fanaticism happens to overlap with the fanatics of other causes and he will make a “devil pact” with any of them. He is trying to make one with black Americans, Hindu nationalist Americans, and Latino Americans, carefully walking a line between hating them and admiring those in those subgroups who want to be viewed as “not black ghetto,” “not Latino immigrant”, or not “Indian backroom office employee.” Many of those people in the subgroup hate the constant condescension of liberal centrist Democrats who constantly make promises they abandon after the election, like Joe Biden did, dropping all the “social programs” that supported “DEI” in his budget in 2022 and instead pivoted immediately from a budgetary perspective of supporting traditional centrist white business interests: big infrastructure construction contracts; big CHIP manufacturing construction contracts via multibillion dollar companies like Intel and Taiwan semiconductor —not even an American company but gets billions in grants to build in America; or of course the the massively big military industry contracts that he increased by 8 percent, more than inflation, so massive profiteers in those companies don’t have to worry about inflation and can buy bigger yachts and homes.
And so they don’t have to care about the morality or debate about founding and supplying a genocide. At the end of the war, when nothing is left, they will hang the whole moral issue on Netanyahu and say “we just supplied the weapons, he committed the genocide by not stopping firing them.” There’s some truth to that, and the world sees it, but currently that grain of hard truth of morality is still in the Pentagon and Congress being washed over and drowned by an ocean of money so no one in the beltway sees it.
But I think we are starting to witness it because of the voice rising up and saying: Hold on, if you consult the actual UN rules on genocide, this qualifies as a genocide. They can’t get around the law, even if to America it’s just an international suggestion, as we don’t even adhere to the ICC. That’s why the drive to quit the UN is constantly made by the Christian nationalists supremacist wing on the right, who don’t want to be held accountable for their hatred that backs many wars internationally but also their slavery within America they continue to perpetrate through the thirteenth amendment that gives an allowance for slavery or indentured servitude under the Exception clause that started in December 1865. In that regard, they are like Zionists but worse, since they have been around longer—much longer. They are violating human rights at the basest level by allowing enslavement to occur. They know it, but America has been blinded to it the same way the majority of Jews have been blinded to the extremist Zionist cause. They thought they were supporting “Jewish rights to have their own homeland,” that seems natural after the programs and leading up to the massive genocide called the Holocaust, but didn’t know until now that really the Zionists tricked them in to supporting a vision so extreme that it is willing to commit genocide.
We in America appear on the brink of another civil war for the same reason: everyone backing Trump are from some extremist wing, but corporations are still hesitant to denounce him as ie could be bad for business if he wins. Companies like Ford were actually anti-Semitic under its Founder Henry Ford, who started his own anti-Semitic newspaper and visited Nazi Germany to keep building his company there all the way up until 1938 when the real Holocaust began on Kristalnacht [sp]. Business should have a moral obligation, but they are not governments who do have a moral obligation. They are no stand in for government denouncement of genocide and extremism. Unfortunately the extremists are in power in Israel and could be again in America after the election is decided.
That’s my two cents on that issue and thanks for tolerating my opinion.
Lastly, thirdly, I did try to articulate the extremist Zionist position in a “musing” just published to understand the position and how that narrative position in the minds of the controlling government plays out in their head and is rationalized to see where they’ve been, are, and are going. It’s horrible to “think like them,” I realize that, but if we are to counter them we have to go beyond “mere” hate slogans (which you do) as they have long learned how to deflect those slogans, and move into a position of seeing “their side” in order to dismantle it. [someone has to crawl into their nasty hellpit, and as a long time accidental student of genocide and depravity I had too step, so forgive me Aza.]