Euro Doublespeak Crumbles Under Light Questioning

Bren Kelly
7 min readJul 19, 2024

Why Proof Against Democracy in the West is Weaker than Belief in It

King George VI in full military uniform because he is head of the military, the top dog, the commander in chief, the man who gives all orders to the troops to drop bombs or deliver food to stop the genocide.
King George VI in full military uniform because he is head of the military, the top dog, the commander in chief, the man who gives all orders to the troops to drop bombs or deliver food to stop the genocide. [Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash]

After a secret ballot, Ursula von der Leyen re-elected as President of Europe, said she will make Europe “democratic.” Is there no irony interpretation going on anymore? Do leaders of the “Free World” secret-balloted to the top spot of power bypass voting constantly and the people just believe what they say because they are in a top position of authority?

You know I’m going to answer Yes, so just let me add a caveat. Yes, when authority figures like politicians, talking heads, and teachers say we live in a democracy, that “show me, don’t tell me” gets routinely flipped on its head. Whatever they say goes. The obvious truth doublespeak she said slapping you in the face doesn’t wake you up because you know being woke is a crime, a mob mentality. That’s not good. It’s Double Plus Good.

The world needs a fresh cup of coffee thrown in their face after drinking a cold bucket of water. Where there used to be cool cynicism toward in the face of authority there’s now hot anger in return. I feel like I’m guilty of it myself. I would be saying “knowing I am” but knowing is not allowed. I must keep some form of self-deception alive. I need to review my George Orwell, so I just added 1984 to my reading list.



Bren Kelly

Engaged in new Ideas and old Inequalities, dismantling the system in systemic, born on the 50th Anniversary of Women's Lib Day, still seeking injustices.