Don’t worry, I’m white and I know how it works and can whitesplain it to you. When America didn’t focus on discussions of racism from the 1870 to 1950, things were pretty good. Sure, there were the lynchings, the beating, occasional massacres of black Americans, president Wilson segregating the government, complete extinction of the black vote in states like Mississippi that is 42 percent black, with many counties that were 75 percent or black Americans not having any representation like mayors until 1968. But at least the country was quiet and calm as the press could extent I guise general talks about racism that soothed the white majority that retained complete political control.
So you see, racism wasn’t perpetually discussed and it basically disappeared. I think that’s what he meant. We should go back “again” to the great time in America. Continually saying racism, racism, and anti racism isn’t helping the conversation I think he means, and we should go back that gentler time of the 50s when every white soldier back from the war could us G.I. Bill to get a nice mortgage and free college and a good paying job, and every black American soldier could get a broom to sweep the factory floor (only 2 percent of the money when to black soldiers as a nice token.) Now doesn’t that make you feel better? I’ve explained to you white speak, which you may have experienced in your life in nasty, derisive ways, but maybe not had white suburban post-WWII racism so pleasantly laid out. If “we” could just go back again to that ideal time, preferably to 1951 or 52 before the Brown v. Board decision when suddenly people started talking about racism, racism, racism so darned much.