Besides the excellent references at the bottom of the article, “The Breeding of Americans Slaves” is a compilation of narratives from all the interviews taken former enslaved black Americans. It’s great account of the evidence of slave breeding. The “rape” was not ‘just’ for pleasure but for profit, which perhaps makes the trauma worse. The baby would be sold off from $20K plus, then the ‘master’ would return for another, another. The goal was to have twenty children. The ‘a master’ white man was used because it was cheaper for poor slave breeders than rich ones who might use a stud.
“The Selection and Breeding of Negro Slaves” is another one on Amazon, reportedly by Thomas Blackshear. I’ve been trying to find secondary evidence that he wrote it in 1830. It is believable, but verifying it’s not a hoax is important, given the gravity of the material therein. The Blackshear family were widespread and did exist, given credibility to the paper. It discusses the scientific breeding methods based on horse-breeding techniques and other well known agricultural breeding. If confirmed, then the scientific instructions inside on breeding are coldly calculating.
Looking for anyone who can confirm this is a real document. Anyone know?
Thanks for continuing to bring this to attention. It only seems to make the case even greater for reparations.