A Bad Few Days for Warzone Hospitals

Bren Kelly
5 min readJul 10, 2024

Stockpiling for Success by Both Candidates

Bombing Tomorrows Children for Success
Bombing Tomorrow’s Children [AI generated picture that is indeed strange, but reconstructed the children from the hospital pile to be presentable for a fresh round of targeting]

If you are a child in a warzone, well, a hospital is not a place for you to get a Band-Aid for a boo-boo, or tourniquet for a missing limb, or cancer treatment. When countries are under attack by continual missiles attacks with no defenses exhausted by ravenous madmen, then any remaining hospital is a juicy target, or “accidental” target as stupid madmen want to believe. Both the deranged Putin and Netanyahu found some remaining hospitals to raze to the ground they previously missed.

I have to say “by accident” to adults to avoid liability, from those two and from Western media heck-bent on insisting on the inability to prove intent. I can prove it using logic, which is looking at all the other hospitals rubbled since the start of those wars, and see the ones this week and go, Yeah, these new ones indicate a pattern of intent.

Putin, as I recall after the first year of the war already had already accurately shelled 220 of them. There’s little that says “I love humanity” better than that. This number includes children’s hospitals and ones where women were giving birth. Eradicating babies, pregnant mothers, and kidnapping Ukraine children, smuggling them then scattering them into Russia for “re-education”, are technically either two or three qualifications needed under UN rules for…



Bren Kelly

Engaged in new Ideas and old Inequalities, dismantling the system in systemic, born on the 50th Anniversary of Women's Lib Day, still seeking injustices.