30 years ago I would have agreed that the Democrats had your back. Now, I just don’t think so at all, especially under Biden, who is Strom Thurmond the Eternal Segregationist lover.
The Democrats became fully anti-black starting in 1843 and remained that way until 1964. Some would say starting in 1932, or 1948. But consider these two facts: Democratic Senator Jim Eastland who owned slaves (sharecroppers on his plantation in Mississippi so technically not slaves), would not leave the Democratic Party when his racist colleague Strom Thurmond asked him to with all the other racist Democrats who quit in 1964 and went over to the Republican Party to “preserve” their segregationist “heritage” of white supremacy. He then endorsed Jimmy Carter for President in 1976.
Now, if I was a Democrat who genuinely looked at blacks as equals, I would have said, being Carter: “You cannot stay in my Party. I openly reject your racist ass. You are a horror and an abomination and a stain on our country.” I would still ask Biden to say that about Thurmond, instead of saying, “Well, time cured good ole Strom my buddy of racism.” A party whose leaders cannot make simple statements to renounce racists maybe aren’t for you or me or those upset about the deep systemic injustices against black Americans.
Number two: the Democrats, who controlled the South from 1843-1964 flew the confederate flags, the great symbol of their heritage, or rather their white supremacy racist heritage that viciously repressed blacks. Will Biden apologize for this deep stain on his party, or just pass it off like, “Well, that was a different era,” or “Come on man, those weren’t Democrats, they left the party.” They may have left the party in 1964, finally, (except Senator Eastland) but the Democrats up North didn’t leave. And they didn’t apologize for supporting and causing with the “Southern Democrats” for a 100 years.
They can't even say sorry. I'm disappointed in Biden and hate the Republicans. Little choice there is. Thanks for bringing up this issue.